Search Results | african union

Your search for "african union" returned 213 results

African Wild Dog: Not the Hyena You Think It Is

The African wild dog is one of the world's rarest mammals. At a glance, people unfamiliar with the species misidentify it as a hyena. While both animals are spotted, the African wild dog has round ears and longer legs than hyenas.

Meghan Markle Is Not the First British Royal With African Heritage

Although there's been a lot of talk about Meghan Markle being the first mixed race person to marry into the British royal family, historians say that's not really true.

Is there genocide happening in Darfur?

The Darfur region of Sudan has been in a state of crisis since 2003. Whether what's going on qualifies as genocide is a point of international debate. Learn why.

A Nation Divided: Civil War Quiz

Although it ended more than a century ago, the scars of the Civil War are still with Americans today. Think you know more than the average Billy Yank or Johnny Reb about the blood and politics behind the war? Find out by taking our Civil War quiz.

How Much Do You Know About NATO?

You hear about it all the time on the news, but do you know what the heck NATO really is? Yeah, no one else does either. Until NOW. Take this quiz, and become the brainiac you always told people you were.

Can You Guess the Country From a Poorly Drawn Flag?

How many countries can you name if we show you poorly drawn images of flags? Identifying flags is hard enough as it is, so we'll be impressed if you can guess these banners correctly. Hone in on the country facts and salute the most reasonable results!

The Ultimate Civil War Quiz

War! What is it good for? Absolutely nothing. Although, I wouldn't say "nothing" about the Civil War, as it did accomplish some things and made its mark in America history books. Think you know it all? Take this quiz to find out!

How Good Is Your Rugby Vocabulary?

Truly, it is a hooligans' sport played by gentlemen — and gentlemen always remember to use the proper words. Do you know the rules of this splendid English sport?

How NATO Works

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is built on an alliance between 30 North American and European countries. But it's much more than that.

Did Jackie Robinson Really Break Baseball's Color Barrier?

Jackie Robinson is rightfully lauded for breaking Major League Baseball's color barrier in 1947. But there were many unsung players who paved the way.

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